Aura´s 3-Generation History With Biosand Water Filters

Aura Tení lives in El Estor, and in 2015 her then 9-year-old son was frequently ill with stomach ailments. She learned about the biosand water filters and acquired one for her home. In a short time after drinking only filtered water, he son’s health improved and he is no longer a sickly child, but now a healthy and strong teenager.
Her family still uses the filter they got in 2015, and now there are three generations using it: Aura and her husband, her children, and now two grandchildren. She remarks that she is surprised at the filter’s durability and effectiveness, even after more than 7 years of daily use.
When our organization began contemplating our program to train rural women health workers, we sought out Aura to become part of our team as an educator because of her long experience working with community development projects sponsored by companies and non-governmental organizations.